October 2, 2019 - Harris Tackles Electability Doubts in Buzzfeed Interview

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Harris confronts the persistent questions of her electability. She remarks, “I am actually surprised about this whole electability conversation,” adding, “I shouldn’t be, because it’s not new to me. But I have to tell you, I have sometimes said to my team, is this really a thing? Like I know it is, but is it really a thing?” But, because it really is, she has had to address it on the campaign trail, including comments about it in her stump speech to reaffirm that she can win. She also uses female pronouns when talking about the president as another strategy to help voters reimagine presidential leadership. She says about her efforts to point out her electability, “I’m articulating it more than I have before, but I’ve always been very aware that for these jobs, we’re asking people to see what they’ve not seen before.” Her efforts are necessary, she adds, “especially in light of the whole discussion about ‘electability,’ which drives me bananas. It’s important for people to understand that they have to really check how they’re thinking about these things. But we have to help along the way, and part of it is about how we use language.” Harris notes that men have not been as thoughtful about the language they use and cites, “They could be doing everything that we’re all doing.” When asked what else men could do, Harris answers, “I’d like to see them endorse me for president.”