Amy Klobuchar: “Women are held to a higher standard. Otherwise, we could play a game called name your favorite woman president … and if you think a woman can’t beat Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi does it every single day.”
— Axios (@axios) November 21, 2019
Asked in the fifth Democratic presidential debate about her comments about Buttigieg being held to lower standards on qualifications than the women in the race, Klobuchar responds: “What I said was true. Women are held to a higher standard. Otherwise, we could play a game called name your favorite woman president, which we can’t do, because it has all been men. And including all vice presidents being men. And I think any working woman out there, any woman that’s at home knows exactly what I mean. We have to work harder, and that’s a fact.” She goes on to challenge the gendered expectations of what and who is presidential. Challenging the doubts that a woman could win the presidency, she says, “If you think a woman can’t beat Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi does it every day.”