March 2, 2020 - Klobuchar and Buttigieg Drop Out of Race, Endorse Biden

The day after Buttigieg announced he was ending his campaign, Klobuchar joins him and Biden at a Biden campaign event in Dallas, Texas. She tells the crowd, “Today I am ending my campaign and endorsing Joe Biden for president,” adding, “He can bring our country together and build that coalition of our fired-up Democratic base as well as independents and moderate Republicans. We do not in our party want to just eke by a victory. We want to win big.” O’Rourke also endorses Biden at the same event. Multiple media outlets, including the Minnesota Post and FiveThirtyEight, speculate on why Klobuchar’s campaign was unsuccessful. FiveThirtyEight’s Perry Bacon, Jr. suggests, “Gender also likely played a substantial role in Klobuchar’s failure to catch on,” noting the electability doubts pinned on all of the woman running in 2020. Some speculate that Klobuchar’s endorsement is also an indicator that she would like to be Biden’s running mate should he win the nomination. She later takes her name out of contention, calling on Biden to choose a woman of color.