January 13, 2021 - Trump Impeached For A Second Time

The U.S. House of Representatives adopts one article of impeachment against Trump that alleges he incited the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. While he was later acquitted in a U.S. Senate vote, the impeachment vote and trial revealed deep divisions over how to evaluate and respond to the white male grievance politics displayed on January 6, as well as Trump’s contribution to them. Among the House Republicans who voted to impeach the president were Liz Cheney (R-WY), who served as House Republican Conference Chair, and Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), the only Republican woman in the 116th Congress. As a result of her vote and outspokenness against Trump, Cheney was later removed from her post as conference chair and maligned by many in her party (including Trump). The backlash to Cheney has included gendered attacks and commentary, including from her male colleagues. Beutler went on to play a more significant role in the impeachment trial when she released a statement affirming that Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told her that Trump sided with the insurrectionists, complaining that they were “more upset about the election than you are.”