In an interview with the NPR Politics podcast, Warren addresses her previous response to questions about her Native American ancestry, saying, “Like anyone who’s being honest, boy, I admit that I’ve made mistakes, and I have regrets. And I’ve done my best both to apologize and to learn from them, but most of all to be a good partner going forward, to think about it in as deliberate a way as possible — what’s broken and what we can do to fix it.” Criticism of Warren on this issue is focused on her racial identification and presentation, but also raises questions about her honesty – a trait expected of and valued in women even more than men – and authenticity. When asked about her trademark look (black pants, black top, jewel-toned cardigan), she explains, “It’s easy. You know how long it takes me to get dressed in the morning? Four minutes. Life has enough decisions in it right now, I’m saving my decision capacity.” Warren’s strategy is also in line with tactical recommendations for women candidates to standardize their wardrobe in order to minimize chances that it will become a frequent topic of media coverage (instead of policy substance). These recommendations have emerged in response to gender bias in media coverage, but can perpetuate gendered constraints on women candidates.